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Documents for download

Forwarding Address

A forwarding address is needed from all residents that are moving out so that during tax season we are able to mail the CRP to the current address. If at the time of move out you don't know you're forwarding address please provide us with a permanent address (ex. mom and dad's address).

Pet Application

Do you plan on having your pet live with you in your apartment? If so, the application must be completed prior to the animal moving in.

Move Out Packet

Are you looking to maximize your security deposit return??? Our move out packet include details of the move out inspection so that as a resident you know what our facilities crew looks for when inspecting your apartment after move out. It also includes an exit survey as Highland Hills is always looking for ways to improve. Lastly, the move out packet includes a forwarding address form so that you're guaranteed to get your Certificate of Rent Paid in a timely fashion after you've changed addresses.

Snow Removal Policy

Be in the know when it comes to the responsibilities of Minnesota's snowy season! The Highland Hills snow removal policy gives all the details on our policies and procedures during snow storms.